Corner Carver
Don't worry, winter will be just time to cool down before I put a match in the car...Filters are cheap and I change the often, fluids are also cheap, I change that often as well.
Long winter of driving you crazy LOL. find the problem and fix in spring IMO.
For the records, again, fuel filter is now 3 weeks old, plugs were 3 weeks old as well but had to go as it wouldn't start as they were fouled. My local dealer could not help me source the first fuel filter (back ordered, no ETA) and I have a spare one on hand, but as I say, the one in the car is 3 weeks old and currently, frankly, I just feel it's the car that is a piece of junk, not really that much the fuel.I just feel it’s a good idea to change the fuel filter every once in a while.
Especially where you suspected taking a full tank of bad fuel.
I change mine every 5 years, along with the plugs.
What is annoying right now, it's that what it does, both tuner and mechanic are scratching their heads. And frankly right now the resale value is stopping me from putting a match to the car.
Last night, was going to head out and get a datalog done for my tuner, so he can see what is going on with the car while I drive. "/$"%?$/!! check engine light came on just 3 kilometre from the house. AWESOME! Here are the codes (remember, never threw a code since I got it out of the shop with the misfire last week):
- P0600 - PCM loosing connection to multiple controllers at once
- P1450 - Inability of Evaporative Emission Control System to bleed fuel tank
- P2105 - Seems to be a generic code meant to have us look for other codes (sweet, got a bunch!

- U0300 - Internal Control Module software incompatibility
*** Disclaimer: all descriptions above are piece mealed from Google *** You all know I am no mechanic.
What's worst? The damned thing drove exactly the same through the check engine and all these codes as it did whole last week and seconds before (yup, WOT pulls and all....)
Truth is, I am pissed, tired of the car to the point I cannot even look at it anymore. It's going in storage this weekend. I don't have any energy nor money left to throw at it above the $2k it just costed last week. Would really like to do injectors and STH (LT out of question for noise purposes here) and new cats, but what if, even if I got the cash now, what if all of that is installed and there's still something else? Seeing PCM codes being spitted out do not put my spirit up. I'm done, for the season, hopefully only the season.