What did you do to your mustang today

Gave it a Good Wash.

I remember seeing Québécois Campers in Shediac 20,25 years ago in Shediac, a 60 year old male on his 10 speed on Main Street in his Speedo, beer belly, white socks up to his knees, all topped off by a Captain’s Cap ???, memories like like can never be “wiped clean “ ?
I remember seeing Québécois Campers in Shediac 20,25 years ago in Shediac, a 60 year old male on his 10 speed on Main Street in his Speedo, beer belly, white socks up to his knees, all topped off by a Captain’s Cap ???, memories like like can never be “wiped clean “ ?
I feel your pain, PEI was popular with Québécois in the late 70’s early 80’s and the older ones typically had bathing suits that didn’t leave anything unfortunately to the imagination.
Born in Montreal Unilingual Anglophone, learned French at age of 19, moved to NB in 82 and was totally Assimilated by the Acadian Community, so when I speak French the accent is Acadian. ? But as I was born in Quebec I still enjoy giving them a hard time when merited ?
They have a name for people like you,
but I beleive in 2020 those words are not aloud anymore :LOL: