Crazy Weather events in your area

Yup I agree. They are already starting

Restoration guys were by this am to assess property. Tree not coming down til tomorrow.
People are now getting crusty. Maritime Electric had to call police to remove some unhappy utility customers from a worksite yesterday. Some won't see power for another couple of weeks.

Anybody have any up front details on how things are going in CB?
I am heading to CB tomorrow to visit my 90 year old father who is out on his cottage on the Mira River. He did go into Glace Bay the night of the storm, but moved back to the cottage the next day with some help to cut down the trees on the road into his cottage. My brother is in NS and closer to father than I am. He was fortunate to have no trees hit cottage, sheds, or boats, but still a lot of clean up to be done. He will likely be without power for a while, but does have a generator. Will be interesting to see how CB made out compared to PEI.
I drove from Charlottetown to Cape Breton this morning, taking Highway #1 over Kelly’s Mountain, instead of Route 4, through St Peters. While we are almost 2 weeks post Fiona, here are my impressions of the damage/severity.

Most of the inland areas did not appear to have a lot of trees down or other visible damage, however there were some trees down along the highway the whole trip.

Once I got to Sydney, there were a lot more trees down and obvious damage to roofs. Went to the cottage on the Mira. River, then into the house in Glacé Bay for a pick, shovel, and other supplies. Drove back to Mira taking the Sydney-Glacé Bay Highway. The area between Sydney, Glacé Bay, and Mira shows damage consistent with what I saw in most of the areas Of PEI.

Still no power at my father’s cottage, but on a generator. Still lots of trees on lines that will keep crews busy for months. Lots of power trucks on the roads and lots of crews clearing fallen trees.
This is why we put the cars away early up here.
If you cruise one weekend too many and neglect the lawn furniture or the winter tires on the daily, you might wake up to this and then you’re on the back foot.

A good 20 cm plus this morning.
Friday was sunny and 12 degrees.
Ground not frozen one bit.


Well, we’re into day two of generator power.

Power knocked out at 08:30 last night by a tree that fell on lines bottom of hill from my house. 69 homes in my area affected.

But we’re not top priority.
Madawaska and Victoria counties have over 100 outages up here affecting 10000 plus customers.

The most in the province.

I have one heat pump going and a couple of space heaters.
-7 out now, going down to -10 tonight.

Neighbours of mine across the valley to the north have power, but they are on a different road. ☹️
Well, we’re into day two of generator power.

Power knocked out at 08:30 last night by a tree that fell on lines bottom of hill from my house. 69 homes in my area affected.

But we’re not top priority.
Madawaska and Victoria counties have over 100 outages up here affecting 10000 plus customers.

The most in the province.

I have one heat pump going and a couple of space heaters.
-7 out now, going down to -10 tonight.

Neighbours of mine across the valley to the north have power, but they are on a different road. ☹️
Hope you make out ok, we got off with some rain and wind, not too bad around here.
Well, we’re into day two of generator power.

Power knocked out at 08:30 last night by a tree that fell on lines bottom of hill from my house. 69 homes in my area affected.

But we’re not top priority.
Madawaska and Victoria counties have over 100 outages up here affecting 10000 plus customers.

The most in the province.

I have one heat pump going and a couple of space heaters.
-7 out now, going down to -10 tonight.

Neighbours of mine across the valley to the north have power, but they are on a different road. ☹️
Crazy i know how you feel in 2019 just like that before christmas we were out for 36 hours - 25 at the time was not so funny thank god i had a friend that lend me is generator .i have learn from that i bought s big generator and install a generlink so now i am all set up . Hope it will get fix soon for you. Hope all goes well marc. Not a good way for a chrustmas. But wishing you the best to you and your family.
Thanks. We should be good.
Waiting for my son who is driving up from St-John today. ?
Long drive if he's coming all the way from Newfoundland.

Unless he's driving up from Saint John...... in which case it would be significantly shorter. ;)

Every road in the local area here is closed, OPP has even pulled patrols off the road in four detachments, but we've still got power.

Got my generator staged and ready just in case, at least you've got that Marc !!!
Long drive if he's coming all the way from Newfoundland.

Unless he's driving up from Saint John...... in which case it would be significantly shorter. ;)

Every road in the local area here is closed, OPP has even pulled patrols off the road in four detachments, but we've still got power.

Got my generator staged and ready just in case, at least you've got that Marc !!!
Be safe everyone
Well, we’re into day two of generator power.

Power knocked out at 08:30 last night by a tree that fell on lines bottom of hill from my house. 69 homes in my area affected.

But we’re not top priority.
Madawaska and Victoria counties have over 100 outages up here affecting 10000 plus customers.

The most in the province.

I have one heat pump going and a couple of space heaters.
-7 out now, going down to -10 tonight.

Neighbours of mine across the valley to the north have power, but they are on a different road. ☹️
Hope you are back on soon Marc.
Crazy i know how you feel in 2019 just like that before christmas we were out for 36 hours - 25 at the time was not so funny thank god i had a friend that lend me is generator .i have learn from that i bought s big generator and install a generlink so now i am all set up . Hope it will get fix soon for you. Hope all goes well marc. Not a good way for a chrustmas. But wishing you the best to you and your family.

Thanks Dan.
Merry Christmas to you and yours too. ?

Yes, the generator compatible electric panel is a nice deal.
Added that in when we built here in 2004.
The famous Ice storm in Quebec was still fresh in people’s minds back then and I didn’t want to be unprepared.

It’s actually first time using in winter, believe it or not.