Crazy Weather events in your area

40-50 cm snow storm is a good one, now I'd like to welcome you to the north shore way of life ..... lol

It must have been quite the storm as your winds are usually way higher than ours so I can just imagine the drifts, hope no one lost power !!
there was a few 4-5' drifts but not to bad,
This was normal back in the day, but now
considered big, last year, biggest storm we had was 21.7 cm
and we only had two over 20, not much last year,
total was 177 cm lol. good weekend of weather for you nothern folks.
Looks like alot of crap tonight, tomorrow in Atlantic Canada
Were getting 1 cm of flurries and depending on where
you read 3-8 hours of freezing rain and ice pellets.
Not going to fun at rush hour.
Raining here now, not out of woods, but looking much better
I think we got off alot easier than originally predicted.
Still close and not totally over but rain and above zero.
City got greasy, but was never really bad.

I suspect other parts of province and maritimes are not
fairing near as good and some places down right nasty.
Hope everyone is doing ok.