Crazy Weather events in your area

Yeah we are, but I'm ready for it............all fueled up and coffee pot on stand by.

We do need this storm as skidoo trails are quite at the limit at places.

I don't remember having such a quiet winter since I believe way back in 2003 when we hosted the Canada Winter Games and we had to truck snow into town for the events, now that never happens in this neck of the woods.
Well got everything plowed for now,
got about 15 cm in 4 hours, then been
raining hard since. Blowing pretty good here
as well. will have to go out later, to see what plows
and sidewalk guys left me for a mess, at least its getting warmer.

Hope folks north of us are doing ok and not
buried in snow.
Coming down pretty good here since 11:30 this morning.
About 10cm down now.
Supposed to intensify around 6 o’clock with winds picking up and go hard until about 09:00 tomorrow morning before tapering off.
Mo rain here.
Maybe mixed with ice pellets overnight.
Be safe everyone.
We're expecting up to 45 cm from here to Caraquet so hopefully Dave it will be cleared out by the time you get up this way .....

Snow started around 2 or so here, a bit later than it did where Marc lives but its coming down quite good now. Hope we don't get wet stuff mixed in with this !!
We're expecting up to 45 cm from here to Caraquet so hopefully Dave it will be cleared out by the time you get up this way .....

Snow started around 2 or so here, a bit later than it did where Marc lives but its coming down quite good now. Hope we don't get wet stuff mixed in with this !!
If the weather doesn't look good in the morning we'll take it from there.Was supposed to go today but called it off and Thursday is St.Stephen run.
She's a full blown nor'easter up here now.
It’s windy on top of the hill.
Snow coming down sideways.
Keeping some areas clear but drifting in others.
Hope that wind dies down in the morning for you Dave.
If not, you’re not going to see much, of anything.
The road included.
We got same type of storm as you Marc, couldn't see much during the night due to winds.
Was out snowblowin' last night and cleared everything up around 10 or so, but got up this morning with even more on the ground.
Don't know about amounts but neighbour says upwards of 45 ?? Also drizzled this morning making it a real heavy snow to clear.
Roads are pretty much all clear around here but I see Bathurst still has warnings out so if Dave comes up he'll probably hit bad weather at spots ??