Well , I could have the record for the first guy on MM to park his car for the winter this year.
My 2022 season was pretty good, got 4000 km of seat time, which is pretty much on par with last year.
The car has picked up a bit of a whine in the last couple of weeks, but since I'm divorced, I crossed that off the list as a possible cause.
Best descriprion is that it sounds like a power steering pump that's low on fluid, but since the GT350 has an electric power steering pump and the steering is just fine, thats off the list too.
The pitch and volume of the whine is dependent on what rpm the engine is running, so it's most logically something driven off the front of the block.
Could be idler arm or tensioner bearings, alternator bearing, or the A/C compressor.
Standing in front of the car, it sounds like the noise is coming from the left hand (passenger) side, which says A/C compressor to me.
In the spring, it took me two weeks to book in at the dealership for a simple oil change, and another two weeks after that to book in for the new rear tire installation.
I figure it's at going to be at least a week to get in for a diagnosis, then at least another week to get in for repairs, both likely longer due to supply chain issues that have become the new normal after the covid clusterf$#k.
That puts me into mid to late September, and I probably won't get out of there for less than $1000.
I'm also less thrilled about driving back and forth wondering if something is going to grenade.
So screw it, the sound isn't too bad, I'll deal with it in the spring when its back on the road and goes in for the 12 month oil change.
Any suggestions on possible causes are welcome.