View attachment 82369View attachment 82370View attachment 82371View attachment 82372When I test drove the car I noticed that every time I started it, there was a clicking from behind the dashboard for about 4 seconds. I finally got around to having a look at it and doing some research. Turns out that there are 3 or 4 “blend door actuators” behind the dash that open and close flaps that direct the air for heat, defrost, AC, etc. They have plastic gears that are prone to failure, and when they fail, produce a clicking noise and may prevent you from getting air in the direction you want. Three of the four actuators are accessed by flipping down the glovebox. The fourth is on cars with dual climate control, which I do not have, and is on the driver’s side.
By pressing each actuator while it is clicking, you can figure out which one it is. Fortunately my bad one was the easiest to access, but still a PITA. When working on cars, and something has to be removed, it seems that there is always one nut or fastener that takes 10 times the others to access, and remove, then all of the others combined.
Two of the three screws came out fairly easy. I could turn the other about a twelve of a turn each time right until it was loose enough to be removed. More scraped knuckles and swearing.
Took the old actuator apart. Damage to gears is easy to see. New actuator ordered and will be here Monday. Still waiting for more parts and have lots to keep me busy till April.
Actuator that was bad can be seen behind the vertical bar and was held on by 3 pink tipped screws. Lower screw looks accessible, but only 1/2 inch or so available above it, so a socket would not fit. I had to use a small 8 mm wrench a small part turn at a time to remove it. Getting the new one installed will likely be just as challenging.