New Hampshire run, June 7th, 8th, 9th

My problem is less Pressing the Glens, but wanting to leave early Thursday and take friday and whole weekend
off requires, everything else in my world to go sideways while hoping to get away,
so working from 4:30-5 am till 8-9 pm to try and make it happen :oops:

then when I get back, I will have to work extra for all the crap that happens while I am away:unsure:
and people wonder why I don't take more vacation time, its not worth it lol
yes I'm sure you guys will still have a good trip.

So for those who are in Moncton we will be getting together for supper at around 6:30 tomorrow night at The Hub City Grill inside the casino. It's an easy walk/ Stumble from the hotel so nobody staying at the hotel will need to worry about driving over. Will be nice to see everyone.
Rain has gone form bad to goood to scary and back to bits of rain all weekend,
who knows by Friday, could be sunny or a monsoon :oops:

Glenn, how you make out with Wheels today?

I am planning Enfield big stop 2-2:30 and hit the road if all is well.
Well I am home, packed, shit, showered and shaved 😁
having a coffee, do one last check and ready to go.

this morning checked wheel torq, fluids, air pressures
packed a few extra clean rags etc.
looks like sketchy weather, hope for the best,
be great fun regardless, 😁
maybe a bit slower at times for me :(
Awesome! Safe travels. I will see a few of you this evening. Anyone that is around the Moncton and wants to join us tonight feel free. The Casino's Hub City Grill around 6:30. I will meet you guys at the Hotel and walk over with you guys. I know Trevor really enjoys walking!