Crazy Weather events in your area

If its any consolation, its been single digits all week with the odd flakes of snow here in SW Ontario.

Now, if you'll pardon me I need to scroll a couple of posts back to Trevors post......slooooowwwwwlyyyyyy. lol
Looking a bit like that here today in 10 degree heat and sunshine.

The piled snow on the edge is what is left of a drift across the driveway that was 14-16 inches deep getting home last evening.

I wish I had taken a pic after driving through it.
Instead I cleared most of it off with the scoop.


This drift that got wider and deeper.

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No need to blow up the picture Marc.... the flakes are pretty clear.

Grim...... but clear.

Its rained the last two weeks here, and single digits all this week.

Maybe insurance on next week..... oh no....sorry, we're still locked up for laughs until May 20.

(obscure Maclean & Maclean reference for you fans out there)
Talk about a temperature swing today.
21 degrees cooler than yesterday.

From 31 at 6 o’clock last night down to 10 today. ?