Atlantic Nationals 2016

Well I booked our room, Quality inn, Mountain road. Seems many places are already booked.
Also some have raised their rates to funny levels.
Well I went to the park today to have a look at the field. They have about a third of it down to dirt ready for seed again this year. I was speaking to bill earlier and we are going to meet this week hopefully to go and have a look. He is looking forward to having us back again this year.


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Saw Bill at the Canadian Tire cruise last night. Going to meet up with him this week. He wants us to look at another spot next to the lake. There used to be the caretakers house there. Shade and sun available. He thinks it is a prime spot with good exposure. Right next to St George street. Any thoughts? Not sure if the whole field will be completely ready by then.
I don't know where the knew spot is, but to be honest I liked the spot by the entrance.
I know not much shade, but easy in, easy out, don't have to worry about scraping body of cars etc.
just my 2 cents and I know I am in the minority.
I like the easy in and out of the old location. The field is cut down about a 1/3 right now. If they would give us exclusively the field it may work. The other spot is further up the hill closer to the other entrance.
2001BlackGTvert;n4633 said:
I like the easy in and out of the old location. The field is cut down about a 1/3 right now. If they would give us exclusively the field it may work. The other spot is further up the hill closer to the other entrance.

I also like the old location, not much shade but much more car exposure.
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