2016 Fall Run.

I think Roger is planning for sure. I am leaning more towards leaving at 3 from dieppe unless things change on my end. I may not get out off work exactly when I want. Will see I guess but leaning towards the 3 o'clock Dieppe departure.
May as well post the details here Charlie (or send as PM or text) as I am also heading down sometimes Friday a.m. Was planning on going all the way to Aulac with Marc to meet the N.S. crew but I see that I would probably be the only one as Marc is unable to make it. So hooking up with you fellas sounds like a plan instead of Flying solo all the way to Aulac............
Thanks Charlie, I got your PM. We'll keep in touch Friday morning.
Roger also. Depending what time I get away, we can adjust.
Hey guys. So here is what we will do for anyone wanting to leave at 3 from the Moncton area. I am still waiting on Phil to confirm they are still planning the same.

Let's meet in the parking lot at Tim Horton's in Champlain place at around 2:45. Time to grab a coffee and fuel if needed and then see if Phil and Jody are still on schedule we will hook up with them. If not we will make our way at 3 to the island. So anyone thinking of not going to Aulac and just leaving moncton area around 3 feel free to show up and tag along.
Welcome to the forum Bryan and Marie. You have been added to the list. The plan is to be on the road at 9 am from the Quality Inn in Summerside and gingerly make our way to Charlottetown for the night. Ther will be some maps given out that morning of the exact route. If your plan is to jump in along the way you can PM Trevor ohtobbad and he may be able to send it to you.

Hope to see you there
UPDATE:::::: Some quick answers and comments.
Run Starts at Quality inn Summerside. 9 AM.
Be fuelled fed and ready to roll :)

I have 30 booklets with run route and info, to be given out Friday night, Sat. morning.
( I don't need one, I have never been lost LMAO )

If you have radios bring them, borrow or buy two, quite handy for any drives.
I have 4, so can lend out 3. Being able to chat as we go has proven quite helpful.
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Hey Trevor I believe you may have meant radios eh ??

But hey if Ladies it is and you can afford that many by all means bring them along !!!
Some of them have been known to chat quite well also...........

Man when you read this it is sooooooooo funny, enjoyed this just has much as the whipper snipper thing of last year !! Good start to the run there buddy !!!
Haha I thought it was quite funny as well. Actually thought he was talking about ladies until he said he had 4. I knew it could not be right. Haha.

I have a few RADIOS I will bring along as well.
Hahahahahaha you're not lending 3 ladies, you're just trying to find them a ride because of your rear seat delete
Damn auto correct LOL, well I hope folks know I meant radio's
But hey, I am sure some would be happy if your brought three ladies also :)
Enjoy the drive - Have fun - would be a waste of breath to say behave - so Enjoy yourselves - see y'all on Saturday