Good luck Max. I hope you get it straightened out. I am sure it has been a pain not knowing.
The old one would be of no use for two reasons.That sucks Max.
No mechanic here either.
Only thing I know and said here before, is where the position of those computers is in these cars, right up front, they usually always get damaged in a collision.
I’m surprised you found a used one.
And at that, in what conditions was it stored before you bought it? No one knows.
Maybe it is off.
Do you still have your old one to try out?
Good luck.
Man Max you have add some strange chasing issues. I hope you get it straightened out soon!So, two weeks ago (same weekend as above post), I have also opened the cowl & replaced the cabin filter, which was in a more than due condition...
I've also proceeded with performing the test Gerry is referring to in the above post, but it didn't change how the car ran. I've, since being under the car to unplug, have replaced the evap solenoid that is with the charcoal canister at the back of the car as well.
What I haven't confessed yet here is that I also discovered the day of the X pipe install that I have the mysterious water leak in the passenger side floorboard that plague a lot of S197. The first thing I looked for was the two drains in the cowl. As you can see from the pictures following, mine was clean and clear (can see daylight through). Not so much as a twig in there! I instantaneously knew I had something else going on.
So I have a new TPS sensor coming in on July 13th, and that's going to be one of the last thing to be tried, but I fear the SJB (Smart Junction Box) in the passenger's footwell took a hit & is acting a fool.
A week or two after the nationals, it'll be trailered and up to Tracadie to get the TSB work performed & any damages incurred by the electrical system currently hurt fixed.
Who knows if I'll be able to get another convertible run before the end of October... time will tell
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What you describe is actually part of the TSB fix that I’ll have performed, along with the electrical hunt. Almost hoping now that the SJB is the culprit and a straight swap, but i learned not to be too optimistic ?Hey Max,
Many years ago when I first got my car I had same water issue in passenger floor board. My drain was also clean as a whistle being car was only a few years old then. Ended up being a grommet in the fire wall that dried up and allowed water to seep in and of course it ends up right in that junction box you know.... lol
I removed the inner fender and sealed that grommet then took silicone and made an upside down V shape bead of silicone just above it so when water flows down it goes either side of that grommet, never had another issue since. Cheap easy fix, of course if this is same issue ??
Man I hope you can manage to resolve all them issues you are having.
These cars are so much fun but they are to say the least temperamental at times.
Right on that one. With all that’s done on it, almost like a new car! ?tempermental like a women, Likely why we name cars after girls lol.
Looks like it has you chasing every avenue and it seems
each avenue, you find an issue, I guess take the positive
when your done, alot of small things that can cause issues will have also been fixed.
Hoepfully you get to bottom sooner rather than later and get some smiling seat time.