Yesterday had the oil changed, plugs and fuel filter replaced and alignment checked on the ‘06.
Toe was out a bit on the alignment. Corrected.
Oil was like new. I didn’t see it but they joked with me after that I should have kept the filter and reused it.
I guess that’s what barely 800 km in a season gets you.
Plugs and fuel filter, well I do those on a 5 year cycle on this car. Don’t want to fight broken plugs.
Although here too, the tech said the plugs were all nice and wearing evenly on all cylinders.
No carbon deposits. All same colour.
No overheating. No issues.
Engine and tune working perfectly.
I had noticed the coolant in this car was slightly more orange than the yellow stuff that went into the ‘15 last year.
So I was going to get it flushed as well, thinking it was the bad orange stuff.
I learned that the coolant in this car is what’s called Premium Gold.
A slightly darker shade of yellow than the yellow but not as orange or red as the orange stuff.
Turns out this stuff is still available and still a very good product.
It was still clear and looked new in the tank so no flush done.
A lot of it was replaced when the ported heads went on the car so not as old as the car.
I learned the orange stuff was first used in 2011, so 2010 and older cars need not worry about it.
The orange coolant turns into a gel or sludge and allows premature and accelerated oxidization of the coolant system and engine.
This is why Ford has discontinued its use and has replaced with the yellow coolant.
If your car has orange (it almost looks red) coolant and is 5 years old or more it is advisable to flush and replace with yellow.