Thought of the day.

Well 3 different forecasts for last night, none were really right but,
they all got it was going to be a mess. For tonight and overnight,
also 3 different forecasts and quite different, so not sure about tonight.

Meteorologist 4 years of school = Guesser of what could go on outside, maybe well possible.
The willingness to lie. The ability to talk today as if everything
you said yesterday was ok,
Permeant position for life = Accuracy and ability to do job will hundreds of millions worth of equipment,
Not required, you will never be fired.

Maybe this should have been funny pages section :confused:
We as tax payer spend millions upon millions on this technology
and they can't get 24 hours correct. Thousands of people rely on the forecast
to decide on how to proceed with any outdoor projects.
Guys like me, trying to figure out plan, for plowing and salting, so that it
works makes sense and to do it in cost effective manner.

Construction companies trying to build stuff, pour concrete etc.
And these clowns could't predict how long it will take for toast to pop.
Whats worse is they go on radio and TV everyday, like they are doing a good job.
You would think they were politicians LOL.
I wonder if climate change, not to say global warming, is making it harder for them to predict than before?
Weather patterns not acting like they used to.
Droughts dryer and longer than before.
Floods worse than before.
Forest fires larger than before.
Winds higher than before.
Hurricanes more destructive...
Tornados creeping further north...
Bigger snow falls. Look at Switzerland and Mt. Washington BC recently. Snow dumps never seen before.
Heck, it snowed in the Sahara desert a few weeks back. Driest place on hearth.
Polar caps keep melting...
Something is up.
Know what I'm saying?
No doubt weather patterns are changing. All you said above is very true.
I won't get in debate on whether its climate change or..............

Most have no idea how much money is spent on this, hundreds of millions of dollars.
Airport and fishers have more accurate forecast. Private companies charge
400 a month for forecast and its fairly accurate from what I understand and they are using
the satellites us tax payers paid for. I think they are just not good at it, they should be in
hollywood. LOL
ya their is a whole political aspect to this, which here at
maritime Mustang we've been able to avoid, which makes me happy :)
But things will turn around. Look what the Automotive Industry has able to achieve. Half Ton Trucks and Performance Vehicles capable of 30 MPG'S HWY And since the Elimination of CFC'S The Ozone Layer is returning to normal over the North Pole.
YES!!! can come even quicker tho, fed up of having Rain, Snow and everything in between 20 times a week. Give me rain OR SNOW. not both ! LOLLL
Climate change or not they still just get it wrong! The only job in the World where you can be wrong every time and not get fired :-)