Spring Dyno run.

Jason Sounds great, I like this idea much better. Glen and I did this a couple years ago and
it was a great Sat. There is little to do in Concord or Manchester, so taking our time
driving up the coast is great for the two reasons you mentioned. More driving with scenery,
Also a little closer to home Sunday morning, which makes the drive home a little nicer.

I have had a couple questions about costs, so I will e-mail Pete and get prices,
then we can figure out exactly who is going on Dyno.

As for starting in Salisbury at 7am, I think I am going to go to Moncton Thursday night
instead of leaving here at 4 am. Each to their own of course. Sign up now, sooner the better
so we can book enough rooms.
I'm leaving from Saint john so I can meet you around 8am at the McDonald's on Lancaster (west side on the hwy) or for those that do Tim's I can meet at the Tim Hortons in Spruce Lake ( Lorneville Rd on hwy)
I will probably leave from Waverley around 5:30 and just meet you guys at some point, with the group travelling together and stopping for lunch I should be able to catch up
You might wanna stay in Moncton Thursday night, I have seen you make
up time, can you afford the tickets LOL
I think Bill ( GT500) won't be able to make it, will know in next couple of weeks.
We need someone else to make it 8 :)
Soon going to have to book rooms and they are non refundable.
Sorry I have been a bit busy this week, will get on it.
I haven't gotten anything from him yet.
So spoke to Pete yesterday, cost of dyno is $250. If you don't have SCT tuner, he will sell you that and tune for $650.
We do this to often, we booked trip on Memorial day weekend, so he will do us, But does want to try and do them Friday night.
This should not be issue if we leave Moncton at 7am and have no issues. Also because of the weekend, we need to book rooms now,
Prices keep going up, so you have til Monday to bail, otherwise your on hook for room going or not.

Pete will also need the info ( preferably in advance) and he will be ready for us.
Car, year and each mod that is done? Or that will be done before you get there.
Also let us know if you need SCT tuner or if you have one?

Any questions, ask away, spring looks a little farther away after last night :(
Looking forward to the run.
I'm locked in, can't wait. Still deciding on what route to go with tuning and CAI. It's not so much the cost as it is figuring out what I am going to do with this car long-term (ha ha, I know, long term??). I guess what I mean is: adding power later = better CAI and tune now. Not adding power later? = any CAI and no tune (or canned tuned) should do the trick. At least, this is what Pete seemed to say about the 15+ cars.

So is one person going to book all the rooms and we e-transfer the cash to him?
Jason is going to book, as far as I know we can pay him that weekend.
I am not sure what they take if any up front, either way I'm good.

As for your car, it has exhaust and a CAI would make it better.
as for dyno & tune, I likely would do it, just because.
No matter what you do in future you will want CAI unless of course
you plan on SC :)