Electric Vehicles

At the end of the day the whole thing was political, and not well thought thru.
And btw, the true cost if you have to replace the battery is now becoming reality.
Oh and btw, the life time emissions when you include current electric production and disposal of batteries……..

The realities are now starting to hit home and the demand for EVs is decreasing.
Did someone say barbecue?

Reality can be a bitch sometimes. Look at the cost to charge. Electricity costs are going to skyrocket.

I think alot of folks are going to realize this is not cheaper,
maybe better for tree huggers and I say that with a big MAYBE>

but cheap it won't be and at some point, if enough people switch a new tax will come with
to make up for lost tax on fuels,

funny how folks really don't educate themselves on this stuff, just take the
bait, hook, line and sinker :)