Crazy Weather events in your area

I’d take that winter weather anytime Aaron.

Noreaster on full blast up here.
Couldn’t see McDonald’s sign across street from dealership at 5 o’clock. Strong winds.
Poor visibility on TCH where snow blown over armco barriers.
Took old road home.
Car in front struggling to do 40 km/h.
Long drive...
Not distance. Time!
be safe
might have to re-name this, not a crazy weather event
but a Pain in $*& event, 2-4 cm starting shortly ending sometime
when the sun comes up.

could be just enough to keep me awake all night LOL.
guess that makes it crazy
Cold here today.... went to a market nearby. Wierd to see vendors selling AR 15's, Glock 9mm with silencers, jewelled brass knuckles and personal pepper spray. All this beside a booth selling kids toys and games....different here for sure. Good sale on Keep America Great hats.... $4 each or 3 for $9. Couldn't bring myself to even buy them as a joke!
Saw an investigative news report on Him yesterday. W5 actually.
They looked into why the evangelicals support Him to the tune 70 to 80%.
Despite lying, being hateful to anyone who disagrees with him, misogynistic toward women and being linked to porn stars.
Despite the fact he embodies the 7 sins, greed, jealousy, envy, hate, I forget some of the others.
The answer lies in the tact that he tells them he is pro life and the fact he is appointing social conservative judges to supreme court, they feel they will someday soon be able to reverse the law making abortion legal.
They want to ban abortion so they see him as being God sent to them for that, so they overlook everything else for that one goal.

One evangelical pastor and writer described it like this; they would not invite him for dinner nor would they want him around their daughters but because he is the only one giving them hope to ban abortion, they overlook everything else.
They also want LGBTQ rights rolled back.
They feel Obama allowed too much of that and He will allow them to accomplish that too with his appointments to the supreme court.
That pro life stance is a big deal down there.

So you must have also seen the “God, Guns & Trump” pins?
+3 and sunny today very nice.
Looks like some rain and high temps mid week
followed by snow on Sat.

the rain keeps coming after storms cleaning up salt,
good sign for spring, not much snow here
can see parts of my grass now and salt getting washed
off roads, could mean a week or to earlier for getting cars out :)
Still early, but currently this weekends blizzards
has 5cm of snow, with winds gusting to to 80
going to be windy and messy.

This storm is off the coast and likely to miss us, but if things change
could get more snow.
Likely inland folks will see some wind no snow.

Tie down your garage cans.
Well its blowing pretty good, we will see how bad that gets.
forecast for today
weather network 1cm
Global 2cm
Environment Canada 5cm

tad bit of difference for same city.

So much for Frankie's blizzard of the decade.
Forecast up here is calling for 25 up to 50 cm with high winds Friday on to Saturday. Had snowmobile weekend planned at an outfitters club but had to cancel as having issues with truck's 4x4 and not taking any chances especially when hauling a trailer. :mad::mad::mad:
Forecast up here is calling for 25 up to 50 cm with high winds Friday on to Saturday. Had snowmobile weekend planned at an outfitters club but had to cancel as having issues with truck's 4x4 and not taking any chances especially when hauling a trailer. :mad::mad::mad:
hope you sort out the truck,
winter sorry no sympathy, you decided to live there LOL.