Doing what I do for a living, I have never seen weather like this.
Storms this year of been extreamly long, most quite nasty.
The part the never ceases to amaze me, are the idiots that feel the need
to go out in this, if I ever get to the point I do not have to do this, you
won't be able to drag me out of the house during a storm.
I don't understand how peoples lives are so bad, they need to get away from
the place they call home. Can't be for bread or milk, everyone buys
70 gallons of water and milk, 60 loaves of bread, to get the through
a day or two.
What is scary is they think they are good drivers lol. Sorry no your not
Not even with winter tires and the SUV / Truck. thats good in snow.
Make the lives of poeple who clean this shit up easier and stay home, out of the way
and we will do it faster and better job, mind you then you will have less to bitch about
not sure thats good.
my rant for the day, looks like I should get full night sleep tonight
be better tomorrow, Also I will likely know what day it is, I think