Atlantic Nationals 2016

Sweet. I will be flying solo that weekend. Great work Charlie....can't wait for the weekend. Only downside is that it kinda means the middle of summer to me. Already?? But it seems like it only started a week ago :rolleyes:
I was texting Phil yesterday they are in. Jody said he was in a couple weeks ago when he picked up his car. I have not heard any different so I put him down as a yes until I hear otherwise.
Updated list. Spoke to a few more last evening.

1.Charlie and Jennifer
2.Trevor and Aliona
4.Billy and
5.Max and Lexie
6.Jody and Lily
7.Phil and Mel
8.Martin and Christine
8.Elide and Suzanne
11.Roger and sally
12.Tony and Annette
13.Andy and?
14 .Danny and?
15.Eric and?
Anyone in Moncton on Wednesday for the Nationals , there is a car show on Wednesday Night.
Wednesday, July 6

6:15 pm - 9:15 pm

The 16th annual Atlantic Nationals begins at 200 Horsman Road. Cruise-In to the Action Car and Truck Accessories for our Wednesday evening car show. The parking lot will feature many custom and classic rides on display, with live entertainment, prizes, and special in-store offers. ALL custom, performance, classic cars/trucks, and motorcycles are welcome to participate. There is no charge and no registration for your vehicle is required. Join us as we kick start Atlantic Nationals week in Moncton!
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When Cruise to the Mall at Highfield Square was running , the Wednesday Night the week of the Nationals was always a huge turnout. Should be the same here. A lot of people coming from away come for a week.
Well we are getting closer to the nationals. Looking forward to the fun weekend. It is also getting closer to our annual Friday night cruise. Going to try and firm up the numbers early next week to give the restaurant a closer number. If anyone has not chimed in or have some friends that want to tag along, let me know. List so far.

1.Charlie and Jennifer
2.Trevor and Aliona
4.Billy and
5.Max and Lexie
6.Jody and Lily
7.Phil and Mel
8.Martin and Christine
8.Elide and Suzanne
11.Roger and sally
12.Tony and Annette
13.Andy and?
14 .Danny and?
15.Eric and?

Hey Charlie can you add Ti-Dan (LeBlanc) to the list as he is a bit busy and no time to chime in himself?? He will be solo this year.. Thanks and as well thanks for all the work you are putting into this !!!!
Updated list July 2nd

1.Charlie and Jennifer
2.Trevor and Aliona
4.Billy and
5.Max and Lexie
6.Jody and Lily
7.Phil and Mel
8.Martin and Christine
8.Elide and Suzanne
11.Roger and sally
12.Tony and Annette
13.Andy and?
14 .Danny and?
15.Eric and?
16. Ti Dan Leblanc