2018 Atlantic Nationals Car Show July 4 - 8

Nothing like that happens at registration. The volunteers at the gate will usually tell them about the corral as they are pulling in and then we usually have a volunteer at the corral entrance to steer them in. What our past experiences have shown us is that many of the early birds or first in line as we like to call them are looking for a perfect spot inside the park or are parking with friends up top.
hows about a little pop-up concession stand, appropriately named "sparkies diner.....
yes it will all be at the nationals.
If as normal we will get some pics on weekend.
Friday night run, we always manage to get a group pic.
Same as fall run.
Great interest in the Nationals once again, The Friday night cruise and supper
is at 15 cars already, check it out and sign up. Lets make this the biggest
turnout in the corral ever.