Well, I'm getting ready to pull the mustang into the single car garage for the winter to start the heavy body work.
I'm planning on doing a 5 lug conversion and sn95 brakes all around.
I have a 96 7.5 rear axle I was going to clean, paint and just swap in, but closer inspection revealed it had been ravaged pretty aggressively by the NS climate. It was in a bit disappointing condition after knocking all the scale off, but it looked mostly usable until I got to the axle tube ends where the seals sit. Pulling the caliper brackets off revealed the tube had rusted down to razor thin. It was still there, but not a lot more than a couple layers of tin foil thick. A hard squeeze would deform it a bit. That will not pass muster at all!
I check out the 7.5 already in the 83. Yep, it's seen far fewer winters than the 96 and it's in far better condition with not much more than a surface rust coating. So change in plans means I'm swapping the 96 axles and brakes onto the 83 housing.
That was going to be a major PITA to do in a single car garage over winter (bordering on impossible due to space constraints). So I spent the afternoon today tearing the 83 axle apart and swapping in the 96 shafts and caliper brackets. The rest can be done over the winter in the garage.
When I was done, I threw the 16" rims on it and took a couple quick pics:
I know to some people may think they look small (IE: not 17/18/19"), plain or boring, but I think they look absolutely perfect on there. Just enough of a throwback look to give nice nod the 80's era 5 spoke rims that were so popular on mustangs when I was growing up. To me they look (dare I say)....badass....