Search results

  1. Mineral Grey

    Bricklins take over Saint John for the 50th anniversary

    Many Bricklins took over Saint John last week. Most I've seen together was 39, not sure how many in total.. They came from all over to celebrate the 50th anniversary in the city that built them. I've always admired these from a young age, my father worked at Bricklin and I've had cousins and...
  2. Mineral Grey

    13th annual Coastal Cruise, Brunswick & Wintersport Maine.

    Anyone have any plans to attend the Darlings Coastal Mustang Cruise this year?
  3. Mineral Grey

    Turning a Pony into a Coyote

    As some of you know I've had an issue with the 3 valve, i made the decision to buy a Coyote Instead of rebuilding the 4.6. Bought a gen 3 Coyote a couple weeks ago and also got a TR6060 6-speed to go with it. Now I am on the hunt for someone with some know how to make the full Coyote swap..I've...
  4. Mineral Grey

    WTB 62mm throttle body 2005-2010

    Wanted to Buy - Anyone have a 62mm throttle body for a 2005-2010 mustang they would sell ?
  5. Mineral Grey

    Valley Cruisers car show

    My local car club put on a show today. Turn out was great for both entries and viewers ..
  6. Mineral Grey


    I will be replacing spark plugs and wires before spring. I was planning on going with OEM. Question is are there other brands that are better that i should consider. I always see many brands available on the parts sites..
  7. Mineral Grey

    05-09 S197 inside door panels inserts

    I seem to be taking these off and cleaning the best I can and reinstalling every 2 years.. anyone have any expert advice for procedure and adhesive to use on these inserts? I am at the point where I'm starting today to look for a set of full panels from 11-14 and just swap out ...
  8. Mineral Grey

    Flat tire fix?

    I think some of our cars have over sized tires so what do you do if you get a flat ?. Use spare anyway? Or carry plugs or spray can like slime or fix a Flat? I keep a full plug repair kit with me , a tire inflator, and a can of fix a flat...I could get away with a spare on the front but not the...
  9. Mineral Grey

    Cannonball record broke by Mustang

    This guy rents a Mustang and beats the Cannonball record ..would be a fun trip
  10. Mineral Grey

    05-14 Wanted adjustable panhard bar

    Anyone have an adjustable panhard they are looking to sell for 05-14 Mustang.
  11. Mineral Grey

    05-14 Eibach Pro-Alignment Camber Adjustment Bolts

    Used set of camber bolts to give away if anyone is interested , good for stock suspension or mild drop
  12. Mineral Grey

    Fundy Tail Parkway update

    As some of you know the Parkway is open and now goes from st Martin's to Sussex.. If you plan on doing the full passage in the Mustang, DON'T!. The original road to Walton Glen is good but from there to the sussex side entrance and to Adairs is all very coarse gravel (about 20km) . and then...
  13. Mineral Grey

    New retro Camaro

    I don't like the retro design on this ..but the k10's they did a couple years ago looked good ..
  14. Mineral Grey

    05-14 SCT X4 tuner for sale

    Just came across this on kijiji. Great price for someone that needs or wanted to get one. It's located a few subdivisions over from me ..
  15. Mineral Grey

    "wanted" Ford Performance Hot Rod Camshafts

    i will be installing cams to the Mustang this spring. before i buy new i thought i would throw it out here.. any one looking to sell a set of Ford Performance Hot Rod cams for 2005 4.6 3v..?
  16. Mineral Grey

    Front license plates

    So now that New Brunswick is a few days into the new no front plate phase, who out there is going to remove their front plate!. I'm seasonal so I'm already there
  17. Mineral Grey

    S197 DRL relocation?

    Hey guys, anyone know location and colours of the wires for daytime running lights in S197's ? I'm looking into moving my DRL to my fog lights if possible... I've see modules that used to be for sale to relocate them to the park lights, but this is no longer available ..
  18. Mineral Grey

    Dash cams

    anyone use a dash cam on a regular basis? pro and cons if it? i'm looking to get one for this coming summer, so many times i've said to myself, " damn, i wish i had that on video!" not looking to spend a lot of $ but would like to be able to go back and retrieve footage at times
  19. Mineral Grey

    Ceramic coatings

    I am planning on applying a ceramic coating next spring. Anyone have a good / bad testimonials ? I was planning on purchasing MrFix 9H , I know of a couple that have used this one .
  20. Mineral Grey

    Saturday coastal cruise?

    I was thinking of doing the Quoddy loop tomorrow but with the Campobello ferry still not running I still might just do deer Island and some coastal routes if anyone wants to get out before the sunday/ Monday rain ..