My 05

Finally got started on the Timing chain replacement- not the best time of year but when the parts are here and there is finally a few evenings not spoken for the work begins.
Removed the Cold air intake and strut tower brace, the belt, ,pulleys and alt to get at the front cover.


Managed to get the crank pulley off with some great puller tools Dad donated to the cause.


I did buy the OTC special low clearance puller so it's in my "special Mustang tool stock "if someone needs to pull the crank pully with the rad and fan still in place

I removed the intake for more room and the valve covers.

Cams and followers look good. I'm pleased with how clean the engine is inside. Finally got the cover off tonight and found my decision to replace the components was a good one

The passengers side guide has a crack and is starting to fail. Glad I caught it now. time for clean up and then start the reassembly.

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Just mention the Ford Racing kit was good but missing one crucial fastener - there was no crank damper retaining bolt. Luckily I was able to get one at Ford on Friday

Lots of new parts - chains/phasers/ adjusters
Seal was damaged on the original pass side adjuster, and passenger side fixed adjuster was cracked so I’m glad I decided to pull the cover off. Got it back together and out for a road test.

All ok.
Actually fixed two issues !
I had another problem that I had not mentioned before - When I put the car on the road this year the car a misfire on #3 when above 4000 rpm .I had to drop under 2000 for it to go away. I don’t drive with the rpm there a lot but the miss had to be fixed . I had tried different coils / a new set of plugs (old ones looked good) and swapping around injectors but nothing helped. I was going to try some hyd lifters but decided to do the chains first, glad I did. Looks like the oil leaking from the passenger adjuster was allowing oil destined for the passenger side head to leak away ( it gets oil last). I’m glad to say that replacing the adjuster, fixing the internal leak was made the misfire above 4000 go away. A short Mexico trip had no misfires in the 4000-5800 range !
Back on the road again !


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Looks like a slow year - not as much Mustang driving time this year. Only 9200 km this year on the Mustang so far in 2022. I’m not parked yet but the days to drive are getting fewer. I’m glad to see I had about 1000 miles (1600km) on the old truck this year, trips to Moncton and Sherbrooke NS added up the miles on that one instead of the Mustang.
Looks like a slow year - not as much Mustang driving time this year. Only 9200 km this year on the Mustang so far in 2022. I’m not parked yet but the days to drive are getting fewer. I’m glad to see I had about 1000 miles (1600km) on the old truck this year, trips to Moncton and Sherbrooke NS added up the miles on that one instead of the Mustang.
That is some decent mileage Gerry!! Nothing wrong with that. You got the truck out as well which is great.
Looks like time for the 2023 spring works project update. Nothing as big as Mineral Gray’s .
started the new year off ordering a Ford Racing 1 piece driveshaft. Installation was easy and then the rear axle pinion angle adjustment was done to keep the shaft within limits. I clear coated the aluminum before installing it. It will be the only shines part under the car!
The change was a 20 lb drop 39 lbs steel -19 lbs aluminum
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Next project was the noisy a/c compressor - ordered a kit online and changed compressor, accumulator and office tube. Looks like I caught it in time , just a trace of grey stuff on the screen of the office tube. Now leak tested and recharged I’m ready for the warmer weather.

Handy tools for line removal - I actually borrowed tools from my son this time, They are on my Princess auto list for next trip.

and now all done the a/c work

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Last parts were the oil and filter change , grease ball joints and tie rod ends ( previously replaced) and since it’s been 5 years - a coolant swap.
Drained the rad and the block . In case you are wondering - here is the difference - new on the left - used on the right


Yep it was time ! Added the new 50/50 mix , put the sticker on the plate and ready for a shake down run.
Can you tell I’m looking forward to the summer of 2023 ?