The conversation was had about diets Sat night, hence this thread

I have decided to make a push to lose some weight along with the challenge of
keeping it off. SO starting today, 20-30 minutes a day in gym and small change in diet.
Biggest change is a little less food and a lot less crap.
Before getting married, I was 195 to 200 lbs and maintaining.
then went to 220

lost 10 lbs, now bouncing around 212 for most part staying in the area,
Like to get down to around 200, even 205 and then maintain, not major but still a challenge.
I know some people use programs or specific diets, many people need something to keep them on track.
I think many of those you do a weekly weigh in. I normal step on scale daily.
My weight flex's a lot anyway, example 217.8 at 9pm last night
214.5 this morning. I suggest checking daily and do same time.
Reason, keeps closer tabs on how your doing, so you know daily if what you did worked.
may not be big drops, as long as not going up.