Yep you are correct Fred, 12 is the limit. The deals though are usually on larger cases so sometimes not worth crossing over just for 12.
But there is a bigger picture to the whole issue and to tell you the truth at times it is not understood by many. Province does not keep in mind that the Reserve across the river pours in millions of dollars into our province each year buying goods, groceries and trucks, trucks, trucks..........and a few cars here and there. In return they make dollars selling loads of beer. The last time that the general public got stopped and fined for importing beer during a police operation let me tell you that Monday morning the mayor's office was full of beer store owners with the Reserve Chief and Council members calling for the mayor to talk with the Mounties and settle things down. It is not the regular Joe coming across with a few cases of beer that is the problem here but it is the ones who own clubs and restaurants that are trucking loads of it and selling illegally, now that is not right and the rest of us end up paying the price (full price, lol)