Thought of the day.

I guess Karen's grandparents and aunt in Black River Bridge still don't have power. They had hoped for tonight but still nothing last I heard. Luckily they have a generator and wood stove.
Some of the guys at work who have family in the Acadian Peninsula were telling me that it still looks like a long haul for many until power is restored. For those of you who are a bit familiar with that area there is a part of road leading into Shippagan that is called "the planes" which is nothing but open fields and marchland on both sides and according to their family members there aren't many power poles left standing on that stretch or road at all. Word is that approximately 800 poles are down in the Peninsula itself meaning many more days or weeks before they can run lines over there. Guys at work here got together and sent generators and gas cans earlier this week trying to help out a bit and if all this wasn't enough the Minister of Public Safety was looking for guys to provide security down there as the thieves seem to get more active in the cold and darkness.
Glad things worked out for you guys. Funny how these storms work as I was talking to my buddy in Moncton (one with the other grey Mustang) who isn't very far from you and he did not loose any power at all, but other neighborhoods around him did ??
Looks like they called in the Military to help.
200 Military personnel are coming to help, also set up warming centres
and to house to house checks, to make sure people are ok.

I can't imagine how long it would take to replace 800 poles.
they said, originally they thought only 350-400 poles.
Still seems like a lot to me, I agree should have happened quicker.
Yeah I just seen that on the National news too. The locals still seem to think that number is greater but regardless one heck of a big job ahead of them. And definitely the Military should have been sent in a lot earlier in my opinion, a lot of damage there and a lot of help needed !!
When tragedy hits like this people tend to pull together and support those in need. So yesterday one local village began throwing ideas around on what they could do to help and within a short time they had a truck load of goods and supplies along with a nice amount in donations (which was turned into various gift cards). This truck load then headed last evening to the Lameque area which is one of the hardest hit. Behind this, one local fella also left last evening with approx.500 dollars of Pizzas and a local Restaurant is in the process of putting together a big turkey dinner for 200 to be delivered in a special trailer. The Power Crews were also not forgotten as someone drove around serving them hot chicken bouillon which apparently served over 80 crews. Boy you just can't buy this stuff !!
At least they apprehended the person responsible for the Ice Storm...
On a totally different subject here, has anyone heard anything from Max lately? Seems like he hasn't been on here for quite some time now??
I had coffee with his parents a couple weeks ago. They say he is working like crazy and taking as much overtime as he can. Probably why we have not seen him much.
I have not spoken to him, I have sent messages and he has not answered.
I think Jason has spoke to him. I know he still posts on Facebook, so not sure.
I heard the rodent t didn't see is shadow, so short winter.
Personally I wouldn't have risked it, I would have shot him, why risk it.
I hate winter, yes I know hate is a strong word, but no mustangs and crazy hours, lack of sleep
make me not enjoy this season of the year.