Thought of the day.

Best place for Ford Performance Oil Filter and Mobil 1 Synthetic Oil in Moncton.
Nobody in Miramichi has stock of the Ford Performance Oil Filter.
I can get Mobil 1 at Canadian Tire.
5 years ago I ordered a case of 12 online ( not China knock offs) as they were much cheaper than the dealer. Last month checked again and the dealer was cheaper this time, $345 for a case, taxes in. MacPhee's on Portland St, Dartmouth
I don’t think Ford Performance makes a filter for the Coyote.
They make it still for the 4.6, the FL-820.
For the Coyote, everyone uses the Ford Motorcraft filter.

Glen’s car above @2008BlackCSGT is a 4.6 car so the FP filter he is talking about is the FL-820.
That filter does not fit your Coyote V8.

Mobil 1 is good but I don’t know that it’s worth going out of your way good.
Canadian Tire might carry it.
I haven’t checked.

The Ford full synthetic in litre plastic bottles is very good stuff too and you can get at local dealership.
You can get bulk or plastic bottles.
Industry belief is that the bottles are the better stuff over bulk.

That’s what I do and no issues.
If you get oil change at Dasilva’s, you get the Motorcraft filter.
When I got my 350, I did some research royal purple is the highest rank oil,
what surprized me is how well Ford Perfornce oil and filters did in the research poll
I read, they were in top 5 of all and behind royal purple it was so close it didn't matter.

So my point being if your running a Ford, using performance stuff from ford is very good
and made for your engine, no brainer for me. ALso the DOT4 brake fluid was very highly rated
for those who change it.

Note on Brake fluid, if you like to drive spiritedly on occasion, then changing brake fluid is cheap , easy and makes big difference in braking performance. I have done mine about 5-6 times now, but I have also tracked the car. This year I did it, because it has been 2 years and is
quite cheap to do :)