Thought of the day.

Am I the only one suffering of the Mustang Blues? Seems like the weather is getting better and better by the weeks, cannot wait to get the car out on the roads! +7 today AND tomorrow, +2 / +/- zero the rest of the week, I can almost hear the snow scream as it melts away :)
I won't say what I think of Frankie, its not polite.
But he is predicting the biggest blizzard in 10 years from maine to Quebec
and all of the maritimes. warned people to stock up with 2 weeks worth of food and water

two days ago here was 15cm with winds gusting to 60km
hardly a blizzard, today Global 2cm, weather network 1cm
and Enviro canada only says snow, won't give amount til 24 hours before
could change 5 times between now and then and could actually get snow storm.

It was plus 9 here today, 10mm rain tomorrow and Thursday / Friday + and sunny.
I won't have snow on my grass by weekend.
More impressive, the roads are 80% cleaner of salt than this time last year.
If trend continues snow / rain etc. we here in HRM could be on roads early / mid April for
our first spin. If nothing else I can get car home, serviced, safetied and cleaned
ready to rock and roll, I can't wait.

Funny weather has been so good, phones ringing for quotes already
did 4 today, have 5 more booked this week, crazy. I have no doubt winter is not over
but it sure is teasing us :)
Frankie Says “He Prepared” ?
for the record people are idiots. They head to grocery store stock up for 6 months every time
they here anything on the news. We live in a country with more fresh water than anywhere in the world
no one is going to die from lack of water, oh and snow melts :p

Because of what I do for a living, my only fear for storms is fuel.
so I make sure everything is full, including extra jugs.
out side of that, buy enough to get through a few days.

Oh I hope nobody falls into this category, didn't mean to offend anyone :rolleyes:
Max special for you, I feel your pain, can't wait to see and hear the wonderful sight and roar of our Mustangs on the road.
Winter has been missing us here in the NS mainland for the most part. I really hope our winter does not come in the next 4 weeks and then decide to stay
Gerry Believe it or not, I checked the numbers.
204.2 cm since end of Feb. HRM average over last 5 years
is 218cm, we have had 3 ice storms, one nasty one
and several storms with ice, so worse from that perspective.

The difference is, we have a bad week - 10 days then two weeks of
real good, quite deceiving. But over all more rain and dropping temps more than
normal, but snow, about average so far.
I will say this, next few days looking promicing
roads getting another bath today, fog last night
Sun thursday and Friday, won't be much left.

Wonder if storm on weekend will miss us,
tracking right off the coast currently :)