Thought of the day.

Beat the storm early this morning while roads were still frozen dry and relatively clean from recent melt and dropped off a sold 2019 ecoboost Mustang to our winter storage.
Brought out a nice, pre owned, low mileage 2017 V6 manual to put in the showroom.
This nice weather has got people looking at Mustangs earlier than usual.
Between both stores, we’ve sold 3 Mustangs recently.


Happiness in a five pound bag.

Good stuff, I recommend it if you like strong bodied coffee, available on Amazon, roasted in upper New York state.

My normal choice is closer to home, love Kicking Horse, and who can argue with 454 hp.

Thought about a coffee thread, saw some serious coffee brewing hardware that Trevor posted after Christmas, but posted here instead.

I have two bad habits left, smoking and coffee.
I barely drink, I don't go to clubs or other foolish things
I did when young, but I like cars, coffee and I work too much.

I didn't have to plow or shovel anything, salted today and 3am wake up for tomorrow morning salt.
up side, other than load truck with bobcat, I don't have to get out of truck to salt.
I have someone who does all the walkways :)

Just drive around and drink coffee, that's all I do, so I am told LOL