Thought of the day.

When both our Tahoe at work got recalled this winter we were issued civilian Silverado rentals. While they were way better than an Elantra or a Spark, they made me appreciate my F150 even more.
Can't attend the show at Steele this weekend while I'm in town because we're in class over the weekend. However, the 7 or 8 GT350, the GT350R and the 2010/11/12? GT500 on the lot at MacPhee pretty much count as a car show to me.

Last October Fairley & Stevens had a base 2015 GT on the lot, black with the 6 speed auto. Sticker was at 36,000$. For some reason it's still there. Too bad it's an auto, pretty sure someone could get a wicked deal with it sitting beside brand new 2017s....
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now a Used GT350 also, guy had a seal leaking, didn't want to wait for part, so he traded
on 2017 :)
I wish I was able to do that instead of waiting for a console to handbrake handle gasket for a 1987 Mustang from CJ Pony parts....
Ya thats the hardest part of fall runs, you realize the end is near.
Dark by 7 so not many evening adventures. We need to do a mini
run some Sunday before its over :)
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Upgrade plans didn't work. When you arrive on 2 hr delay after rental closes you take what you can get ! Got my own short bus - just for me


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That is my next move, either sell or build new house or start doing some serious reno's.
Already did many but need to do some big updates and if staying for the long haul, need to do an addition
also. I should have done it before marriage, I suspect the design faze will be the toughest LOL.
Ohtobbad;n8763 said:
. I should have done it before marriage, I suspect the design faze will be the toughest LOL.

You sure got that right!...Might actually be easier on you, to buy a new house. Least for a few years, as there will eventually be a list of, "things I want to change" from the wife.

When we first bought the place we are in now, "everything is just perfect...Love it just the way it is", sort of thing.
10 years later, I have been handed a long list of "things that could be better".

Just yesterday, it was, "We need a new light fixture above the stove".(which I find very odd, as I do absolutely all the cooking).
My reply was, "Just add it to your list dear, so you can give it to whoever you hire after I die, to do".

So then she say's, "So your planning on going before me?".

I said, "Hell yeah, I want to have some free time before you get there"
She says, OK, but when you get there, no sex with anyone"
I replied, "So, the same as here you mean?"

And that was the end to that conversation..