Spring Run

Good Morning Everyone!! A bit of fog here this morning , however when the sun burns that off it looks like we are going to have a great day. Everyone drive safe from your respective destinations. Will see some of you in Moncton, possibly some of you in port Elgin and the rest in Amherst.
Washed and ready to go. Things starting to brighten up and dry up.


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Well it was quite a day, started out, wet drizzel and foggy,
and pretty much went that way most of morning, enfield first stop
in style we got away 15 minutes late. around 15-16 cars, ( gotta learn to stop and count)
Off to Mass town and picked up a few more and off we go ( 23 cars now) , still wet, but mostly drizzel or
semi dry, About 10 miles outside Amherst we see the Sun, happy days.
We pulled in, already 7-8 Mustangs there car is filthy, 10 minute fast clean
set up and enjoy the day and wwhat a day it turned out to be.

I don't think we got a totally accurate count, but some where between 67-70 cars
approx. 125 people, about 20 more cars and 35 more people than expected.

Big Shout out to Taylor Ford for hosting us and feeding us, great burgers, sausage's
and several types of salads, they kept it rolling and everyone got a bite to eat.

Special, thanks to Jen, Aliona, Charlie, Jason and Aaron for helping with all of the
little tasks of the day, I know a few others helped out as well, always the case, such
a great bunch of people.

It was so good to see alot of old frineds, been a couple years for many and
also great to see so many new folks out, making some new friends for sure.

Great to see folks from every corner of every province, all different types of cars
From young to old I beleive everyone enjoyed the day.

We gave away $1650.00 worth of goodies, the grand prize 1900PSI electric pressure washer
with foam cannon, Going to Gary first timer on one of our runs and first time in his car in about a year,
after a rough year at home. I will deliver tomorrow morning as he left before the goodies were passed out.
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