Mike + 1. PeiJune 25 th is the date for this years spring run.
Coming from all three provinces, heading to Taylor Ford Amherst.
This is typically rain or dry event. Great chance to get out and meet
and enjoy the cars and have a great run.
We will meet approximately at 11:30-12:00 At Taylor Ford
for a mini car show and lunch for a few hours.
This year Taylor Ford is suppling lunch, and together
with MaritimeMustang.com we will have some prizes, draws etc.
With over $1500.00 in prizes, we hope everyone comes
Arrangements will be made and updated for meeting point,
so each province can travel together, more details to follow.
Sign-up let us know your coming.
New Brunswick
Charlie and Jen
Martin and Eric
Jeff and Lori
Ross and Sally
Dave and Bev
Prince Edward Island.
Chris and Shelley
Eamon and Laura
Kevin and Cindy
Shane and Judy
Dale and Paula
Nova Scotia
Trevor and Aliona.
Glen and Sharon
Yeah I believe so Martin. It’s a nice route. We can discuss if you have another idea. I know where the dealership is having a bit more involvement this year with lunch and all we do want to try and keep our arrival time s close to 12 as possible.Similar route we took to last year Charlie?
I think that’s a great route to get us there at 12:00, especially now that we know the right way to get to the dealer without going thru the centre of town like we did once! My fault that one!Yeah I believe so Martin. It’s a nice route. We can discuss if you have another idea. I know where the dealership is having a bit more involvement this year with lunch and all we do want to try and keep our arrival time s close to 12 as possible.
I think Fred may join us in scoudouc instead of Jourimain also.
Sounds good Charlie, we’ll be waiting in front of the Fruit and Vegetable Stand at the end of our street for 9:30.Yeah I believe so Martin. It’s a nice route. We can discuss if you have another idea. I know where the dealership is having a bit more involvement this year with lunch and all we do want to try and keep our arrival time s close to 12 as possible.
I think Fred may join us in scoudouc instead of Jourimain also.
Haha. Yeah I love that new way. Great back way to get there for sure. Makes it much smoother.I think that’s a great route to get us there at 12:00, especially now that we know the right way to get to the dealer without going thru the centre of town like we did once! My fault that one!
Sounds good Fred!! Should be there around that time or shortly after.Sounds good Charlie, we’ll be waiting in front of the Fruit and Vegetable Stand at the end of our street for 9:30.
Awesome look forward to seeing you and your Stang. You have been addedKevin and Sue plan on making their inaugural run with the club on June 25th and will be joining the group at Tim Horton's in Cornwall, PE. We live in Cornwall not far from there.