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Baden at 85 pounds and Gizmo at 10 ounces


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A week ago, we were at Sobeys, as we were leaving we seen this Painting.
Very common, they have a ducks unlimited auction ( silent bit ) you fill out your info
and put your bid in the box. I have a habs one from a few years ago I won.

As we walked out and seen it, we both said Diesel.
so I submitted a bid and we won, came today.
cool paint erie likeness.


My buddy Tyson was in for a visit.
This is my daughter's dog that proves that appearances can sometimes be deceiving as it has to be the most loving and cuddly thing there is. When they first got it I was kinda apprehensive to say the least and not impressed that they would get a dog of this breed as it looked quite intimidating and mean. But turns out he doesn't have one mean bone in his body, he's just full of love to say the least. He proved me now he's my buddy I guess. But he don't get to ride in the stang though !! lol

I have always gotten a kick out of people when it comes to dogs.
Bad breeds, bad this or that. Its bad breeding and bad owners that
make bad dogs.

I have seen pitfalls the biggest sooks and lap dogs the most vicious animal.
Owners have so much to say about it and how they are raised.
He does look like hes doing security check in that shot :)

DIesel has serious look when checking out yard LOL.