To say refing in NHL is bad in likely being polite.
My teams out and best I can tell most are so
we pick a team to cheer to cheer for and follow the playoffs
its the Canadian thing to do.
So I watched what I could of east and west with interest
and not sure why buy sorta pick edmonton to root for
mostly because most said they wouldn't get this far.
well in the finals now., wild ride with Calgary and in fairness Colorado
likely the better teams, much deeper etc, but as the say you have to play.
SO NHL got games starting better times in the east so we don't have to stay up
until 2 am to watch some of the games.
I turn it on and Av's taking it to Edmonton in first, but 2-2 with 25 seconds left
and very controversial call made, refs saying off side.
55 years of playing and watching hockey it was offside all day long,
they some how said the best defencemen in NHL did not have control of
puck for 1 foot so not offside

so now its 3-2 trust me watch replay its offside
by 2' all day long
It gets better, then Edmonton get penalty for failed bid to over turn play,
Av's score early in 2nd, now 4-2, ow he gets better, 5th goal was a missed Icing call
so now 5-2, at this point I watch a bit of third and go to bed, figuring it over
and it was 8-6 final.
But if you do the math
Edmonton 6 goals
Av's 5 goals and
refs 3 goals ( gifted to Av's
making it 8-6 Av's for win
but real math says Edmonton won,
now in fairness refing could get worse, but Edmonton has to be happy
because it lost due to bad refing even though they were outplayed,
This could be fun to watch.
tonight we get to see Tampa at Rangers LOL
Any guess on NHL's bettmen wants in finals LOL