Will anwser what I know, Mine is built, so less info on exactly what they are doing.
Price protection wouldn't apply to me as its built so price is protected,
I read March 9th or before is protected any orders after are not.
The roof is what they are saying, but they keep building them and have shipped some, rumors
are coming out now (Wabaso got the bLame ) Ford ordered Wabaso, to you use 30% less plastic in roof
from original design, why they are having issues, be interesting to see if this ends up truth or fiction.
They have these that are built upwards of 8000 sitting in an active construction area,
been all kinds of stories of being driven back and Forth to Ford.
Odds of some damage or much higher and odds of more than average miles
for new delivery.
Mine was Built July 12th, its a 2021, no one knows how long before I see it,
Ford won't say. but it will be badges 2021 and might be lucky to see in 2021.
At what point is it not new, Odds of new car smell are quite low LOL
I understand some of the roof issues, honeycomb colours, fraying on inside edges and in
rare cases leaking, outside of the leaks, give me my bronco and when new roof is built send
it to dealer to put on, its 5 minutes to install. No lets wait longer risk a multitude of problems
and piss off the customer a bit more.
For those that don't know, I should have had this last Nov. Supplies and covid was first excuse.
Production pushed to spring, I have missed 4 built dates and now two delivery dates with no end in site.
Most of all next to no communication with customer or even Dealers.
Interesting fun fact, Ford has one of the lowest retention rates among customers,
not as bad as Nissan which apparently is setting records, but not good,
Hmmmm maybe they need to work on this.
Based on some warranty and service issues I have had, it makes you question
alot of things, they are making it hard to be a true Ford guy