Fred's Funny pages

Tom was explaining to his buddies that he couldn't go golfing because his wife wouldn't let him. His buddies gave him some ribbing about him being hen-pecked, and Rick slumped off home miserable.

Tom's friends arrived at the golf course later to find Tom already there with all his clubs. His friends were astonished and asked him how had he persuaded his wife to become so understanding.

"Well, it's like this explains Tom. "I went home and slouched down in my chair with a beer to drown my sorrows at not being able to join you guys.

Then the misses snuck up behind me and covered my eyes and said 'Surprise!' and when I looked, she was standing there in a beautiful, see-through negligee. She said 'carry me to the bedroom and tie me to the bed and you can do whatever you want...'

So.. here I am!!"