Crazy Weather events in your area

If you blow up picture and look behind car, you’ll see pile of snow on the grass.
But it’s almost all gone.
Should be good by Canada day. ?

Snow is no longer the issue really.
Where I live out of town, it’s the amount of traction sand (dirt) the DOT lays down each winter that’s the issue.
There is still a lot of it on the road.
So much that it makes a cloud of dust on dry days.
We need some heavy rains to wash it away.
And with all the snow we’ve had, we really have not had much rain.
There’s a lot on my road because I live on top of a hill. They use more on hills.
Plus it’s a dead end road so very little traffic to stir it up and disperse it.
And fresh chip-seal of last two years is holding it more.
Maybe time to consider selling and moving. ☹️
Don’t joke about the sledding part.
An area just south of where he lives is on higher terrain.
Same mountain range as Mont Carleton, they might still be able to sled there.
It’s appropriately called the “Southeast” area.

In my neck of the woods, we go slightly north and east to the Quebec border to an area called “Haut de la rivière verte” or upper green river region.
Again higher terrain, headwaters of the Restigouche river and not far from the Appalachian range and we can probably still sled there too.

Definitely time for better climate. ?
Haven't heard from Roger in a he still sledding?!!

Nope still around and sled should be put to bed shortly. Had awesome winter though, lots of rides and lots of fun until things got shut down early.

So Roger has been kind of a busy boy lately with the Covid thing going on as we have started to pitch in with the supervision of the Border Checkpoints up here giving the other Public Safety boys some well deserved time off, so working extra shifts. Mustang still in storage as still trying to solve plate issue which is difficult with everything closed down, but made headway here today when I finally reached someone in Fredericton who pointed me in right direction. Hopefully it will be out soon ??

And really been trying to join one of those Zoom sessions so I can catch up with you fellas but work getting in the way of that too, hopefully soon I'll be able to see and talk to Mustang people ??? :D
So we go from crazy end with strange snow storms,
to wet, cold and up and down temps.
to hot and dry in less than 30 days.

Two major forest fires in Nova Scotia.
Over a 1000 people evacuated already.
in Porters lake, Highway 107.
Fire Heading towards Lawrencetown.

About 15 minute drive from here.
2020 sucks so far.
Things can only get better from here ?
Fred, ever time something happens, people say that.
Then some else happens. Just wait for the next thing to happen.

Looks like they have one in Chester under control.
Was a house fire not far from big one in porters lake to make fire fighters
troubles bigger, thats out now.
One here, wind turned and was pushing back over burned area and
then wind died, So I suspect they will at least get it contained,
So hopefully not too bad.
33feels like 38 today,
some parts of country
setting records.

they were saying south eastt NB hottest place in country today.
But atleast nice weekend. First day of summer tomorrow.
Its the way to start :)

Hope everyone has great weekend and gets spin in car.
Best kind of weather for spreading asphalt! Try to get some seat time...Lord knows how long the fine weather will last!