Your Ultimate road trip(s) - Where would they be?

I have not heard anything yet but once pril 2018 passes I’m sure the info will start flowing - I expect there will be an event somewhere south, maybe Birmingham ?Maybe Charlotte again?
Got you. The way I read your initial comment, I thought you might have known something.
But I see your point now.
No matter where the 55th is, Birmingham, Nashville, or any other, one could always hit the museum on the way down to, or up from the celebrations.
A lot of our members like to see pictures.
I'm going to attach a few pics from my trip last May.
I was on the road for 27 days if memory serves me right.

I went straight across from St-Leonard to Comox on Vancouver island.
Then south to Victoria where I took the ferry to Washington state.
Then down the Pacific coast to Los Angeles.

Then back east to Las Vegas, route 66 to Oklahoma before leaving it to keep going further east into Nashville, Tennessee.
Small detour to Boling Green to Corvette museum before resuming east to North Carolina and the Blue Ridge parkway to Virginia.
Then meandered home through Pennsylvania, up state New York, Vermont and into southern Quebec to get back home.

Canmore Alberta.


Overlooking Vancouver from Cypress Bowl lookout halfway up mountain.
My baby sister accompanied me from Sudbury to Comox, where she flew back to Sudbury from.

Haystack rock in Cannon Beach Oregon.


More Oregon coast.



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Then onto California.

Big redwoods in northern California. Almost as wide as the car is long.

Northern California.

Black sand from ancient volcanos.


Pacific coast highway emerges onto the shore from the mountains.


Iconic PCH sign.


Twisting PCH along the cost. Great driving.


More PCH.

Sun going down just north of San Francisco.


I had to stop at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca on the way by.


One of my stops on the coast in Morro Bay, between San Francisco and LA.


Had to stop and take photo of Malibu sign.


PCH looks like it's going to drive right off the cliff and dump you into the water in a couple places. Had to stop to take this picture because not safe to do so while driving.


End of another day at Santa Monica pier.


Supper at the pier.


I have a picture of the end of the road sign for route 66 but the site won't accept the size.
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Pacific Coast Highway in northern California is great drive.
Another beautiful section, I'm told, is between Carmel and Morro Bay where I stayed one night, through a state park called Big Sur. I'll have to go back for that part.
I could not go through it because the road was washed out in a section from bad rain storms the winter before.
Rains washed out a bridge. Bridge was due to be replaced by end of last summer.
Had to detour for a full day's drive. Because of steep terrain and ocean each side of highway, there is no local way to get around. Would have had to completely back track.
THIS IS GREATTT !! wow, what a trip! i currently can only dream of it, 27 +/- days .... will NOT see it before retirement for sure, and i am far from that LOL.

Thanks for sharing, that's awesome!
That's how I got the time off.
I retired last summer so allowed me the chance to do this.
Glad you appreciate.
If it helps someone, anyone decide on what they might like as a trip, I'm glad to do it.
Keep the trek going east along Route 66.
Sun going down on the Hoodoos on the Arizona - New Mexico border. Looks like Jesse James or any outlaw could ride out from one of those canyons.

Desert landscape in New Mexico.


Route 66 auto museum in Santa Rosa, NM.


Sign post for the museum. Original!


Some of the cars from the collection. Chevy Nomad.


Nice Mustang.


Split window vette.


A couple Ford Hot Rods.


Cool pictures.
I missed this structure on my travels. Where is Cool Springs?
Did not stop in Midland either. Stopped in Amarillo and the Cadillac ranch.
It's all defaced with graffiti now.
I think it would have been cooler when the cars were freshly planted in their original state.

First though was the Blue Swallow Motel in Tucumcari, NM.
It's preserved like a period time capsule with old cars, old lawn furniture and murals.




And old Ford truck with the Motel logo on the box panels.

