
I'm thinking this summer might be a great used toy shopping season....hate thinking it's taking advantage of someone's misfortune. Maybe it's more like helping someone out of a tough spot.

Had a buddy pick up a Jag XK for 42,000 USD at par. Mate to it was sitting in Halifax at 112k the same week. Keep a sharp eye out and a fold of cash stashed!
Anybody following the negotiations around including Cuba in the Atlantic Bubble for winter travel?
I heard about it on radio, its no Cuba as in anywhere.
Its cuba with one resort only, people from Atlantic Canada only.
Tested before you go and staff there tested etc.

So week away but not like the past trips to cuba

And probably a 2 week quarantine when you get back
the person trying to arrange, is hoping to elminate that if plan goes ahead.
she had 30,000 calls so likely work if she gets go ahead.
The out of country requirement for a 2 week quarantine is a federal requirement not provincial so I don’t see that changing
The out of country requirement for a 2 week quarantine is a federal requirement not provincial so I don’t see that changing
currently each province has controlll over their own decisions. ( Borders)
Border is controlled but not closed, Feds never declared state of emergency.
Actually provincail boarder closures ( Atlantic Bubble ) are technically illegal
But then again most don't know thier own charter of rights :)
Yeah that's going to be a hard sell if things don't change drastically that's for sure.
Some places in the Caribbean and south America have as low numbers as we do.
If controlled right very doable. Me personally I could care less, i am not going no where
untill rules changes, which maybe never under currnet guidlines.
currently each province has controlll over their own decisions. ( Borders)
Border is controlled but not closed, Feds never declared state of emergency.
Actually provincail boarder closures ( Atlantic Bubble ) are technically illegal
But then again most don't know thier own charter of rights :)

Here’s a link to the federal government’s rules for returning travellers from out of Canada. There is a mandatory 14 quarantine for returning travellers.
Here’s a link to the federal government’s rules for returning travellers from out of Canada. There is a mandatory 14 quarantine for returning travellers.
yes, this is one about 25 links, so choose your narritive.
Essiantial workers not covered in this, it reads as blanket statmenet which is not
totally accurate. Truckers cross boarders everyday and do not have to self isolate.

Going back to the above conversation, if this agency can convince Dr. Strang and his health board
then it could be done. I agree odds are slim to none. But it is doable by law.
No not unless the Federal Government agrees to waive the 14 day requirement, what Dr Stang decides has no effect on people coming into Canada from foreign countries.
I guess the new story and information they spoke of today was wrong.

I’m guessing that the travel agent who came up with this idea doesn’t know what federal rules are in place. Right now only 4 airports in Canada are allowed to land international flights, Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal so no flights to or from Cuba from Halifax. The provincial government has no say about international travel so they can’t extend the Atlantic bubble to Cuba. I’ll also guess that the people reporting the story are too incompetent to do a little research to see if the trip was even feasible under current COVID restrictions