Thought of the day.

Seen a Black Bear in neighbors yard last night,
Funny how he was just poking around, but at same time
now have to becareful letting the dog out at night.
Funny you mention that. Just after Thanksgiving I took the remainder of the turkey and put it out in the green bin. Not uncommon to have raccoons open it up so I bungee corded it closed. Get up the next morning and what’s with the green bin in the back yard? Go out and have a look. About 2 to 3 feet into the woods on its side and empty. Bungee cord sitting underneath and still in tact. So this “animal” would have had to drag it around the garage, down the side of the house, through the back yard and into the woods. Pretty sure it wasn’t a raccoon :LOL:
Thought of the Day : I'm a Ford guy, but I'm sorry, the two piece OEM Ford lug nuts are shit.

One of the first mods for the GT350 was a set of solid Gorilla lockers in black, the OEM lugs lasted as long as it took for me to get home from the dealership.

Finally swapped out the lugs for the Raptor, got a chrome set of Gorilla solid lugs for winter and a black set for summer from CJ's Pony Parts.

I highly recommend this mod, I've had bad experiences with the OEM lugs, even when you're careful and don't use an impact gun.

Got a set last year from local tire shop to replace the ones from the 150 being that the originals were rusted (never seen winter) and getting stuck in the sockets.
Nearly fell on my behind when they gave me the bill at over 225.00 plus tax. They defended it by saying these would be 10 times better than the originals. So just switched to my winters yesterday and these are no better as they are already starting to rust and pit.
I'll keep the Gorilla's in mind for next time, good info.
Now the spline lug nuts that came with my winter mags lasted very well so far, and they were only 60.00 or so, makes you wonder at times eh ..

Got my new ride late in the season only got 500kms on and I also just joined the group. I am putting it away for the season but hope I get out a couple more time lol


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I'll keep the Gorilla's in mind for next time, good info.
I've always had good luck with Gorilla's Roger, as usual, everyones mileage may vary.

All in, to the door, shipping, exchange, duty, taxes and whatever the hell else you get charged for, was about $165 cdn per set, which I didn't think was too terrible all things considered, plus I got a lug that looks great and won't strip out.
At 165.00 that isn't bad at all so will definitely look that up next time. Thanks for info.
Found it funny that my originals puffed up like that as no winters on them and only 53 000 kms on '16 truck, so half of that was done in summer with those lugs I would say? Anyways they are crap IMHO.