Thought of the day.

Mowed the lawn for the last time today and the snowblower is back in the garage. Started first try. Hopefully I won't need it at all this year lol. But driveway is paved so no more rocks being tossed into the trees and lawn :)
Catching them won't necessarily put you in jail.
You have to make sure when you do catch them, you scare them enough that they won't tell the police.
Sorry to hear about your loss Roger.
Put my caraway Saturday. Insurance off today. :(

For those interested, update on my Mustang friend Jacques Hebert's situation.
He must have known I was thinking about him when I posted about him last week.
He called me Friday during work to talk a few minutes.
He has non Hodgkin's lymphoma. That's the bad one. Harder to treat.
Oncologist sent him back without any treatment yet because he's not showing overt symptoms.
This means he still has good lymph nodes fighting the disease.
They don't want to start treatment until he shows symptoms out of fear of destroying his good lymph nodes along with the bad.
A catch 22 situation I guess.
Anyway I told him I shared his story with a bunch of Mustang guys I knew. Told him there were several positive thoughts going his way.
He appreciated very much.
I bet I’ll throw your share and mine with all the new gravel down in the back yard here at my place - pavement is just a dream for me!
Words of Wisdom.

Ah something positive.......just got back from a week of hunting at the camp. Buddy Daniel (grey 07 GT from Moncton) put one down Thursday morning so after an afternoon of tugging it out of the woods and canoe trip back to the camp we did some R&R and celebrated (just a little bit) !! Now back to work on Monday, damn !!
Suppose catching them would have been a bonus but again one never knows how he's going to react in such a situation so maybe just as well not to run into them ?? Small town here though, the word is out so never know their names might just pop out some day ??