Thought of the day.

Happy international womens day,
unlike the media, this is not about only the so called important women in sports, medai etc.
this day is about all women in our lives,
Wives, daughters, mothers, grandmothers and any other women who is important in your life.

I wish each and everyone of them a happy day.
Coming back home from Bangor along the #9, i was coming around a bend and all i see is a white gm cart Wheeling end over end. Snow flying everywhere.. jammed on the brakes and ran over. The guy inside was conscious and looked fine, he said he was ok and just wanted out. jumped on top to open the door and pull him up.
He had a couple small cuts on his head and one hand.. very lucky guy! His phone was smashed , so we called a friend of his that was just a bit a head of him driving. Also call 911 to get him checked out and get a tow truck .I stayed with him till his friend showed up. Just as i left , we seen the ambulance only a couple minutes past rushing to his location.
Got to say wow though.. the cars and trucks that zoomed past us, not even slowing down, to check on the accident 🤯.
He said he reached in the back seat to grab his thermos for a drink of coffee.. it doesn't much distraction.. everyone please drive safe and pay attention, things like this just happen too quick

Maritime Mustang "winter style"
Does same thing like bring a bunch of enthusiast gear head people from all over together, but only in colder weather.
This was taken in Kedgwick River (Restigouche Chalets) during a few days of get away riding with friends from Sussex, St-John, Ottawa area and local folks. Actually last to the right is also a member of Maritime Mustang from Sussex.
Still waiting for you guys to come up and do same thing..........helps with winter blues. 😁

Yup, got a good connection for rentals.
Now those rentals are not GT350 blood related, lol, but are 2 up riding Yamaha's.
You can look them up under B&G motorsports which is operated by Brad Mann who you may know as he was a race car driver for a long time.
I'd be glad to hook you guys up and host some sort of gathering, but first I have to at least show up for a summer one eh ?? lol lol