Thought of the day.

Maintain eye contact.

Based on the weather reports, the Apocalypse is coming
You should go buy 7000 gallons of fresh water.
5200 lbs of food, buy 73 gas jugs and fill them
this is what they mean buy supplies for 72 hours :rolleyes:

Hope everyone is prepared, safe for weekend.
Hopefully we maintain power, if nothing else we can post
here and read the funny pages :)
Took the Bronco, left yesterday morning, taking south shore mostly old roads to yarmouth.
Some great sites, roads actually pretty decent most of way :)

Stayed in yarmouth, 2.5 star motel LOL, hmmmm someone a little kind with the stars.
Maybe same one who gives them out at Leafs gamees LOL.

Spent day coming home through valley, another beautiful drive.
Less and less weekends for this sort of stuff left.

Need to find time for a couple more runs in Mustang.