My thought or question of the day:
Are there no more good old regular speaking people working in on-call centres ?? Just saying ?? And I know our workforce is struggling so I do appreciate their efforts and don't judge their abilities..........but man some are really hard to follow in a conversation.
Been having internet issues for past 2 weeks, have not been able to speak with someone that I kinda can somewhat understand, can't judge their knowledge but communication is really complicated................... The last one just cut land line communication while he was trying to set my modem, after a 40 min wait time. Called again and got discouraged after another 45 minutes.

Welcome to Bell !!!
Next one was Insurance Company, same thing as lady was really hard to follow................... Had to call them as I got hit with extra 525.00 as they have classified me in a flood zone, eh ?? So I asked them what water source ? The river she said, oh the one that is 2 kilometers away on the other side of the Mountains ?? Good luck with that water reaching me and if it does the whole town is gone. So she came back and said she checked, I'm now in a heavy rain fall amount zone !!!

Welcome to LaPersonal !!! Then she said to call back once I get my policy in the mail.......... what ?? Shouldn't we look at this before ??? So next move is try and call again, maybe be lucky and get one I can understand and knows the business at hand ?? who knows, I could get lucky ??

On positive side it's a good thing I'm retired and locked up at home so I have time to gig with
So here's my rant for now, no one here to listen to me and don't see anyone outside the house, thank god for you guys....