My thought of the day is : Boy am I glad things finally got resolved and I mean................
As some of you would remember this past July I paid myself a treat and bought my first brand new truck, this one:
Plan on taking my retirement in a few years so heck why not ??
So once the truck was home I noticed that there was something wrong with the paint as the box and rest of the truck were not the same color, different shades of white like back was oxford white and the front tri-coat, like it should have been (Marc, 67again was home one day and seen this). So off to the dealer I went and it all started from there. (For some reason or another the difference was not very noticeable at the dealer but home.....holy crap).
FoMoCo's answer to this was: Paint the Box !! I refused, of course !!! and Dealer refused as well to paint a new truck !!
So after a few weeks of back and forth between the dealer and the company arguing over my issue the dealer decided to take things into their own hands and they ordered me the same color of truck (so they could switch the box over to mine) and this way they could avoid dealing with Ford itself. Two months later truck came in and boxes were switched but this time the opposite occurred as the front now appeared to be oxford white and the box tri-coat............shit !!!! Ended up that the whole truck had paint problems on assembly line.........quality assurance guy must have been drunk or just plain blind or stupid that day........
Well back to square one with dealer again in a fight with FoMoCo on who was to take ownership of this mess? Company was now saying: Paint the front of the truck, but like sales manager so wisely put it: which friggin' color of white do you want me to paint this, I have two trucks and three different shades of white, which one is the right one??. On my end I just got fed up and took the truck back to the dealer, gave them the keys and demanded a new truck and to my surprise, wow, they agreed !!! and on top of this they gave me a courtesy car for awhile then switched it over to a truck so I would not miss my hunting week.......great service there !!! and a good thing that I had them on my side or I would still be in this mess....
Now this issue went on and on with meeting after meeting but to make a very long story as short as I can (I wouldn't want to read four pages of this stuff either, lol).... well today with awesome support from "Vision Ford" I finally took delivery of this :
And let me tell you that I am finally happy as a pig in shit !!!!!!