Thought of the day.

All local forecast show us, a bit of rain and small amounts of snow,
for that part of the week. Normal winds.

This I know, this region is one of the top 4 places in the world that is
hardest to predict weather. We get 3 systems that affect weather.

Basically looking past 48 hours is fun and possible, but not realistic.
to many changing variables.
That's the thing with trying to rely or even place any trust in weather forecasting. Reliability in forecasts more than 4 hrs out will always be a crap shoot in coastal regions. Being surrounded by open, warmer water will generate moisture when winds blow across it. Wet with warm winds...white with cold winds. warm and cold fronts influence wind directions.

We still drive ourselves nuts watching forecasts and get cranky when it's wrong....and when it's right!
True, but the Maritimes is even more unique than many coastal regions.
I did some serious reading and research, the gulf stream is quite amazing and interesting.
What it does, how much it affects weather is incredible, worth a read for curious folks.

then we have the Jet stream. we also get northern air pushing out Hudson bay.
often they clash causing different systems to change quickly.

Doing what I do for a living, I pay far more attention to weather, then I like.
2 weeks out,, to be amused, 1 week, curious.
At 48 hours I start to pay attention, at 24 hours I begin to plan and at 12 hours
I notify crew. Even then it often changes.

Plan A, B and who knows always in effect :D
that's big, but depending on timing, who knows.
Many models are very true if winds don't change and the gulf steam doesn't move.
In our region that is never, Gulf stream is incredible. Under water 100 miles wide
and moves constantly. if it moves in or out, can pull storms away or push them into us.

Incredible something under water has that much affect to the atmosphere :)
If you follow jet steam, it moves fair bit also, which pushes many us storms into the Atlantic.
If your watching a week out, it can drive you to drink.

This I know for sure, we will get what we get and deal with it when it comes.
WIse in Maritimes, to always be prepared for one week or more with out supplies,
electricity etc. If further outside centres then prepare for longer.
Side note, one thing the amuses me to no end is how many people freak out about water
we have more fresh water than most places in the world and snow melts lol.
Wood is fairly abundant also, which means in worse case scenario I won't freeze.
I will light something fire. LOL
Another crappy way to pass winter in the maritimes..... following a couple of other weather forums where people are already asking panicked questions about whether or not flights will go or be cancelled next Friday!

What will 91 oct fuel cost per liter for the spring run?!!
The America Media and Social Media are good at Weather related Hype and Panic. In February 92 we had enough snow that our Sub Division was snowed in from a Friday night till after lunch on Monday. There was a twenty foot Snow Drift on our street between our house and the next door neighbours. The Department of Highways had to attack that drift from both sides to clear it. The American TV Media was calling that the Storm of the Century. We didn’t lose power, only Cable. And 9 months later, our Youngest Son was born
Little freezing rain this morning, not toad here.
Other parts of Province and Maritimes, not going to be so lucky.
Only salted everything twice.

I get to do again around supper time:)

Maybe we need weather thread, I know only in the Maritimes do we talk about weather
as much as we do. Mind you most times its complaining about it.
Most people are not happy no matter what's happening LOL.