Thought of the day.

Well after the crap show last night it did one thing.
It added more salt and brine to our roads.
All those who got there Toys out early can say
my car is winter driven. with the amount of salt and brine
still on the road last weekend and now more we get another week or
two of waiting.

Starting to see what those folks in Northern NB go through :(
TrueBlue02058;n29711 said:
Looks like we got around 10 in Moncton area.

Was planning on getting mine out on the 20th. Looked at 14 day trend and calling for rain and high of 10 that day and morning lows before and after are like 3, so I'm waiting till 27th now.


Same here they say we got 11.5, I say we got about 15.
The fact the roads were 95% clean, it should not take as
long to clean up. Lots of rain in our forecast as well.
So hopeful around 20th I can get home, do oil change, tire change
and clean it up.
Will be taking my car to the coliseum tomorrow around noon.I just live by the city hospital so it will be a slow drive on the back streets.Sunday's supposed to be nice for the drive home.
02 yellowgt;n29739 said:
Will be taking my car to the coliseum tomorrow around noon.I just live by the city hospital so it will be a slow drive on the back streets.Sunday's supposed to be nice for the drive home.

Make a dry run in your daily driver prior to Thursday so you can take note of all the Pot Holes for the trip on Thursday. Cause there are some Doozies in the city.
I will say it simple, after the snow and salt put down last couple of days.
you can drive car anywhere, but not with out getting salt on it.
The worst salt is not fresh, its the residue stuff, if wet anywhere even worse.
its not the paint you worry about, its all the nooks and cranny's you can't see.
( like gyproc dust, it goes ever where.)
Best bet is find a trailer, if not enclosed, at least solid bottom
so salt does not get under car, paint you can clean with rags and cleaner.
Bottom of car, forget it. If you do drive it, next heavy rain day go for a drive,
maybe you can wash some of it off.

Reality is, once driven in salt, you can never honestly say, never winter driven.
Not sure if that matters or not. Lots of people drive these cars in bad weather.
Well encouraging day, sunny and warm.
With warmer temps and rain forecasted
over the next week, with luck this little set back
will be over and cars can start coming out :)
TrueBlue02058;n29747 said:

I seen that video, him talking but not seeing actual speedo, makes me question it.
At one point he says he's doing 190. Unless he changed the gears that car won't do 190.
it runs out of gear at 184 mph according to Ford Performance. Looks like he was flying
and no doubt speeding and reading report a major idiot LOL
If he would have just waited for the roads to clear up get the car out this wouldn't have happened ..