Thought of the day.

Well looks like rain will be gone for Friday and Sat.
Coming back around 9-10pm Sat night.
Sunday does not look good.
Much cooler this year about 18-20
Most of the weekend is decent.

I suspect most of us will show up, not sure how much
it will hurt the show overall.
If anyone is planning a cruise to the Fall River area keep in mind the bridge next to the Wilson's gas station and will be closed starting tomorrow. It is being rebuilt over the next six weeks, but hopefully will be completed sooner. :cool:
Good heads up thanks.
I heard it on the news today, I would think a major pain
for folks living in the area.
Funny Aliona, said take a break, do it tomorrow night.
I washed it tonight, will give it a detail tomorrow night.
wow was it dirty.
Just got back from a fun drive in meet at the Masstown Market, the NS Mustang Club had a good turnout probably doubling the number of cars there. For those of you so inclined there were 3 or 4 rat rods, as well as some other neat cars and trucks. For some unknown reason I didn't grab any photos. Next week :)
Another beautiful day, Off to Sidney Crosby Parade :)
its a 10:30 and people already parked for best spots.
Should be fun, Aliona has never seen the cup.
For those who have not seen it live, worth looking.
Unless of course you are no Canadian and have no understanding
of the importance of hockey in this country LOL.
THundr posted a few, I only took a couple, Albert took a bunch, he's going to post on his new Facebook page.
Hofman photos. :)
New hobby, got decent camera for birthday, he has gone nuts, takes 400-500 photos at any show or park.
then plays with them on computer and posts, Loves it, will be our official photographer with a little more practice.
Quiet news day here on Whats going on folks?
Anyone drive anywhere? take any pics? DO anything?
Post up, don't be shy, its anything goes Monday :)
Was in Moncton again the week after the Nationals, Down to Brookfield on Sunday for a few hours at the Firemans Show and shine. Traveled to Fredericton last night, I'm sure the Mustang was covered with every bug that could fit on the bumper and grill double stacked . Had to clean it before heading to work. Sorry no pictures, mustang was too ashamed to be seen that cruddy! Will be off to Bathurst on Wednesday afternoon and PEI next week. It's a Maritime Province cruise. - sponsored by work!

Another hotel parking lot in the rain


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