This is no ‘67! 2015 GT Auto premium, Ruby Red

Got to say, SHOULD I go into the S550 platform somewhere down the line (Probably will, but not for a long time still), your tread is probably going to be my main inspiration. The car is built exactly how I would have built/spec'ed it myself. A good blend of handling, power, and ''roadtripability''.

Like I already said, love this car, love the color! Cannot wait to follow the build further.
Kinda scared myself this weekend.
Washed the bugs off the 06 from going out for inspection last week.
While doing that, looked over at the 15 a few times.
Passenger side wheel gap in the rear started to look way smaller than driver side.
Took closer look.
Sure looked like it was off
A full finger less with the ever reliable finger gap measure.
Took a couple quick pics.
Seemed off even in pics.
Thought spring sagged over winter.

So called BMR today.
They took my call and asked me to send pics with measuring tape in shot and they would look at it for warranty.

Got home, measured with tape.
Sure looked like there was 1/2 inch difference between the two sides.

Then back car out of garage gor better light and better view of sides for pics.
Well, it seems backing the car out about 20 feet solved everything.
Back to nice even stance all around.

I deducted that car was on flatter ground and all was good.
I think what I observed was caused by the slope to my drain in garage.
The side the 15 was parked in, I leave the car back closer to the garage door for more room coming and going into the house.
This puts the front axle closer to the drain, with slope, while the rear axle is on flatter surface close to garage door.
Since engine heavier in front, front of car sits square to slope of drain, so rear has to give.
Result is unequal gap in rear.

Sigh of relief taken.
Disaster averted.
No warranty claim needed.

This does not happen on the other side of garage as much because car comes in a bit farther so both axles more or less on same plane.

Pics bellow what I observed in garage before pulling out.
It’s subtle but but it’s there.

First one passenger side, less gap.
Second one driver side, more gap.


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Yes gear swap is 3.31 to 3.55.

Got a bit of a scare when box arrived.
All soaked with oil.
It’s packed with internals but didn’t think there was oil in there.
Inspection revealed it had oil but a plug let go in transit and it drained
Looks like box was handled upside down.
Not dropped as no evidence of that.