True story,
from the 70's
My father was coaching my brothers hockey team
we lived in East Uniacke, about 30-40 minutes down the old #1 hwy was windsor
where alot of the games were played.
Dad had a pick up truck, snow storm happening, and early game 7pm
so had to get on road by 5, half the teams dads could not make it home in time to take kids
I wanted to go ( rink rat) So dad stopped at houses on way picking up kids to go to game
4-5 in front seat another 4 or 5 of us in the box with gear, it being cold he got and old
canvas tarp to help keep us from freezing and keep snow off us and gear.
Now 2023, he is gone, but if anyone did this today, he would get 3 consective life sentences
all the parents who allowed it would have kids taken away from them and the hockey asscoaition would get fined and reprimanded
for even knowing it happened, we all talked about it for weeks, thought it was great fun
sure is a different world today